chances of getting pregnant first time trying?

Posted on Fri 8th May 2020 : 01:07

What are the chances of getting pregnant the first time trying?

After first year
How long can it take?
Increasing chances
Fertility treatments
Seeing a doctor

Some people get pregnant within the first month, but this is not always the case. Getting pregnant can take up to a year or longer.

Conception in the first month occurs for about 30%Trusted Source of people attempting pregnancy.

Successful conception rates tend to decrease steadily after the first month of actively trying to conceive. However, many healthy people without fertility issues could expect to become pregnant by the end of the first year.

This article examines how long it may take to become pregnant. We also look at what may affect fertility, as well as available fertility treatments.
People who are not pregnant within a year
Image credit: PeopleImages/Getty Images

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)Trusted Source, the vast majority of people trying to conceive will become pregnant within the first year. They also define infertility depending on the age of the person:

In people younger than 35 years, infertility is not becoming pregnant after 1 year of unprotected sex.
In people 35 years and older, infertility is not conceiving after 6 months of unprotected sex.

According to infertility research, the likelihood of getting pregnant in the first month is around 30%Trusted Source. For people without fertility issues, the approximate chances of conception are:

75% after 6 months
90% after a year
95% at 2 years

How long can it take to get pregnant?

The time it takes to conceive varies between people. For some, conception occurs in the first couple of months of unprotected sex. Others may have trouble getting pregnant and need help from a healthcare professional.

Approximately 1 in 8Trusted Source people aged 15–44 years have difficulties trying to conceive or carrying a pregnancy to their due date. People who are not pregnant within 1 year should talk to their doctor for advice.
Reason for not getting pregnant

There are several reasons that people may find conception difficult, such as:

an issue with sperm health
problems with ovulation
their age
abnormalities in uterus shape
a blockage of one or both fallopian tubes
unexplained infertility

The American Society for Reproductive Medicine add that egg quality and quantity can also affect fertility and the likelihood that someone will conceive.
Ways to increase chances of becoming pregnant

People can take steps to increase their chances of getting pregnant, including:

maintaining a moderate weight, including not being underweight
eating a healthful diet
taking prenatal vitamins to help with fetal development
tracking periods and ovulation
getting tested for sexually transmitted infections, which can cause reduced fertility
getting a Pap smear
quitting smoking tobacco or marijuana
talking with a doctor about medication side effects that may affect sperm count or quality
avoiding heat and toxic chemicals, which can cause issues with sperm
having sexual intercourse at the right time of the month, starting around day 10 of the egg cycle and then every other day up until ovulation

People with regular menstrual cycles are more likely to get pregnant than those with irregular menstrual cycles. This is because people with irregular periods may not ovulate regularly. During irregular cycles, ovulation could occur any time between 9–21 days into the ovulation cycle.
Fertility treatments

People usually see a doctor after 1 year of attempting to get pregnant. They can also see a healthcare professional earlier if they have concerns about their fertility.

There are several fertility treatments a person can discuss with their doctor. Before starting treatment, people will usually undergo tests and assessments, including:

an overall health assessment
hormonal balance test
ovarian function test
thyroid function test
prolactin level test
testing for metabolic conditions
an examination of the uterus and fallopian tubes
anti-müllerian hormone test

Treating any abnormalities can help improve a person’s fertility.

A doctor may also recommend having sperm analysis. Analyzing sperm can help determine if conception issues are due to sperm count or quality.

Low-cost fertility treatments may include:

losing or gaining weight
ovulation induction (OI), a medication that induces the release of an egg
intrauterine insemination, which can take place alongside OI
superovulation treatment, which stimulates the release of two to four eggs

Other fertility treatments doctors may discuss include:

in vitro fertilization
controlled ovarian hyperstimulation
surgical correction of any problems with reproductive organs

When to see a doctor

People should talk to their doctor if they have trouble conceiving:

after 1 year for people under 35 years
after 6 months for people 35 years and older

A person may consider talking to their doctor sooner if they follow the relevant recommendations but still have difficulties conceiving.

A healthcare professional can help determine if any biological issues could be causing a fertility problem. They can recommend treatments to correct certain underlying health conditions that may be causing low fertility. They can also discuss and recommend fertility treatments.

Every person will have a different experience when trying to conceive. Some will get pregnant quickly, while others may conceive within a year or struggle with conception.

People struggling to conceive should talk to their doctor about their concerns. A healthcare professional could recommend solutions to fertility issues.

For some individuals, getting pregnant in the first month of trying is possible. Many people will conceive within the first year of having unprotected sex.

A person can increase their chance of pregnancy by tracking their ovulation cycle and maintaining a healthful weight and lifestyle.

If someone has trouble conceiving, they should talk to their doctor about possible causes and treatments.

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